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who came today? mara came for a visit! she is brown with green eyes and long black hair and with nice fat in her belly and big booboos and hair above her lips and under her arms and on her legs and little wounds on her face and she set infront of all of us our little quiet group and when mimi asked her questions were she was she was embarrassed and smiled and when she is embarrassed red stains appear on her chest and neck a lot of them like she looks like a red brown panther

and mom and dad were also here in our pleasanant camp and dad lifted us for hugs with his face with pain because of the beatings the fightings from the grey group two quarters ago

mara said ouside there is a lot of hatred a lot of lies a lot of violence only a little of it comes out not only in our land everywhere

gada left to sleep because he sleeps early and laya was still there and they drank wine and we drank grape juice by a fire lying on our blankets and we read stories of freedom and with mara came a person called bobo and khakha and i laughed because in our theatre we play with bobo and bebe but this bobo is happy and smiling and he is an engineer oyoyoyoy

and mimi and giri held hands and we told the story about the baby in the river and his brother and khakha and i remembered giris stick from the karkash and mimi that limps never walks with a stick

and giri said when you dont have a home you dont have a ground you can fall and nothing will catch you you will fall forever until your life will end

and mimi said you need to reach people to help you and khakha and i talked somebody needs to hold us close close we need to feel somebody holding us and khakha said this camp is now our home even if we leave it soon and i said i dont think thats what giri ment and we went to mara and she hugged us with her soft pleasant body and we went stayed awake with everybody around the fire

now khakha and i sleep in our covers closed like eggs only a little hole to breath in our tent outside it is pleasant cold this is the most fun to be inside and ouside at the same time in the cover like egg and in the tent outside sometimes the tent is in a camp or a village sometimes we sleep in a room sometimes the room is in a building and in a town or a city like our home town this is how they call it the hill town in the middle in between but khakha said it is not really our home once visited shosho in the children place it was also our place before we started travelling with mimi and giri and i didnt want to go in or stay but khakha played there and drew there and said this place fills like a home

people think that it is fun in the badas settle like our little together camps now they think who lives there is free but they are trapped,

outside all the country is shoutings and flags against the councils in the plain city and also in the desert city and the mountain city and the maquis city and in other places many bit here we dont see them much but mom and dad in the shoutings were caught by grey groups and hit and taken in trucks, and later released, giri told us

in the square in the desert in the camp there are large rectangular tents not like out leaning tents but like the white tents from rounds ago when we did a lot of walking in the sickness, and in these tents we are divided to tasks and given apparats and flags and mimi and giri argue to join or not and gada and laya and kama and maka and lomo and lomi our little together and we miss mara and grove keeper our friends

i remember when gada carried khakha with straps on his back he is thin but can carry for long times and distances

khakha and i talk like our little together argues how to be soft and responsive and help we cover ourselves in the blankets the cold came again but it is pleasant

giri finished reading is about the spider who helped the little pig

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